Saviours  |  Código de barras: 184923013122

Death's Procession (CD)

$998 $1099

Saviours - Death's Procession (CD)
Barcode: 184923013122

The main influence on this album was to go back to where Saviours started Sabbath, Maiden, Motorhead, Thin Lizzy& The whole record is a trek through Earths demise which everyone contributes to, oblivious or not. Its a procession toward death. The world has gone insane. Humans have become apathetic, greedy, self-centered, over-medicated, delusional parasites in a filthy, drained and deflated world. Its hopeless now, too far gone. Now we wait. Thats what this record is about. Earths possession and deaths procession.

Deaths Procession was recorded by Phil Manley (of Trans Am and The Fucking Champs) at Lucky Cat in San Francisco.

  • Released: 9/6/11
  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Metal

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