Panphage  |  Código de barras: 7320470228487

Jord (CD)

1698 1799

Panphage - Jord (CD)
Barcode: 7320470228487

Panphages Jord marks a profound final chapter in Fj‰llbrandts journey through the realms of black metal, interwoven with the essence of Swedish folk heritage. This album, a farewell ode to the earth and its cyclic nature, explores themes of heritage, demise, and rebirth. Jord is not just an album but a legacy, inviting listeners to a grand, atmospheric journey back to the roots, where the soil unites past, present, and future in a timeless bond.

  • Release-Date: : 1/12/18
  • Format Detail: CD
  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Metal

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