AV Announcement: Removal of Kanye West releases from our sales channels

Doug Martin  •  0条评论  •   阅读1分钟

AV Announcement: Removal of Kanye West releases from our sales channels

At Apocalypse Vinyl, we don’t play by the rules, but we do have principles. We’re all about amplifying voices that deserve to be heard, no matter how raw or rebellious. But there’s a line, and we’re not about to cross it. Hate speech? Not our jam.

That’s why we’ve made the call to pull all Kanye West releases from our catalog. We’re not here to support antisemitism, misogyny, racism, or any other brand of ignorance. If your message breeds hate, you won’t find a platform here. Simple as that.

We get it—art is supposed to challenge, provoke, and make you think. But there’s a difference between shaking things up and tearing people down. Our shelves are for music that resonates, not divides.

This decision’s locked in, effective now. We’re sticking to our guns and staying true to what matters—respect, inclusivity, and keeping the music scene a place where everyone’s voice can echo, just not at someone else’s expense. Thanks for getting it.

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