Greatest Hits (CD)
Release Date:
This album showcases the many genres of Big Joe, whether it be R&B, rock & roll or swing. His five-decade career included music that was an energizing invitation for the audience to dance.
Track List
- The Chill Is on
- After My Laughter Came the Tears
- Bump Miss Suzie
- Chains of Love
- I'll Never Stop Loving You
- Sweet Sixteen
- Baby I Still Want You
- Honey Hush
- Crawdad Hole
- Oke-She-Monke-She-Pop
- Shake Rattle ; Roll
- Well All Right
- Hide and Seek
- Flip Flop and Fly
- The Chicken and the Hawk
- Boogie Woogie Country Girl
- Corrine Corrina
- Midnight Special Train
- Red Sails in the Sunset
- Feeling Happy
- Blues in the Night