Ata Kak  |  条形码: 656605561011

Obaa Sima (Vinyl)


Release Date: 03/03/2015

Ata Kak's cassette Obaa Sima fell on deaf ears when it was self-released in Ghana and Canada in 1994. The music on the recording "an amalgam of highlife, Twi-language rap, funk and disco" is presented with the passion of a Prince record and the DIY-bedroom-recording lo-fi charm of early Chicago house music. The astute self-taught song craft and visionary blend of sounds and rhythms has made the album a left-field cult favorite among adventurous listeners worldwide.

Track List

  1. Obaa Sima
  2. Moma Yendodo
  3. Adagya
  4. Medofo
  5. Daa Nyinaa
  6. Yemmpa Aba
  7. Bome Nnwom

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