Jordf‰st  |  Código de barras: 7350142980016

Av Stoft (CD)

1498 1499

Jordf‰st - Av Stoft (CD)
Barcode: 7350142980016

Jordf‰sts Av stoft extends the narrative arc of H‰danefter, delving deeper into the heart of Scandinavian lore. With folky melodies and black metal, this album tells tales of defiance against societal and religious chains. Through epic soundscapes echoing genre greats like Skogen, Saiva, and Primordial, the Swedish duo depict a world without heroes, where the stark reality of natures wrath meets the crudeness of human conflict, offering profound reflections on existence and autonomy.

  • Release-Date: : 10/28/22
  • Format Detail: CD
  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Metal

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