Elliott Sharp  |  Código de barras: 706189896679

Filiseti Mekidesi (CD)

1598 1699

Elliott Sharp - Filiseti Mekidesi (CD)
Barcode: 706189896679

The opera Filiseti Mekidesi by Elliott Sharp is a visceral meditation about the universal search for a safe neutral place. It doesn't tell a linear narrative but uses musical and poetic means (with texts by Tracie Morris, Edwin Torres, and Sharp) to reflect moments and situations in cosmic and human history in particular resonance with current events of great urgency. The virtuoso cast includes Palestinian singer Kamilya Jubran, vocal group Voxnova Italia, and instrumental ensemble Musikfabrik from Cologne.
Elliott Sharp has developed a variety of unique compositional strategies that come into play in this work: combinational streams, chains and loops of musical molecules, chaotic structures that transform into resonant rhythmic patterns, timbral counterpoint, and extended playing techniques to generate new virtual instruments.
Filiseti Mekidesi premiered in September 2018 at the Turbinenhalle in Bochum as part of the RuhrTriennale. This CD comprises live and studio performances.

CD I 1.Cosmic Gifts 2.Humans Move 3.Enter:Return 4.Into The Enter 5.Filiseti Music I 6.Under The Thicket 7.Plutonus 8.They Killed Us So We Had To Go 9.In Liquid State CD II 1.Tempest 2.Filiseti Music II 3.Time To Go 4.Filiseti Music III 5.Sea Maid Takes All 6.Filiseti Music IV 7.The Thing You Want 8.Enter Return 9.Filiseti Music V 10.Endless MIgration

  • Release-Date: : 2/19/21
  • Format Detail: CD
  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Classical

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