Metermaids  |  Código de barras: 655035143125

Rooftop Shake (CD)

1298 1399

Metermaids - Rooftop Shake (CD)
Barcode: 655035143125

This Brooklyn-based duo consisting of emcees Sentence and Swell, often refer to themselves as "the Bad News Bears of hip-hop." However, after teaming up with the X-Ecutioners DJ Rob Swift, receiving production from Grammy Award Winner 9th WONDER, and pulling in vocal contributions from indie-hop legends SAGE FRANCIS & BUCK 65, their "ROOFTOP SHAKE" LP is set to turn that self-deprecation on its head.

  • Release-Date: : 5/14/13
  • Format Detail: Jewel Case
  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Rap & Hip-Hop

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