And the Circus Leaves Town (CD)
Out-of-print in the US. Spin (9/95, pp.112-113) - 6 - Reasonably Good - '... wallows in a deep, bass-driven earthy blues that's on a continuum with John Lee Hooker, dub reggae, and Miles Davis' early '70s electric period. Kyuss' preferred method of assault is a slow-motion blizzard of sound, like thrash slowed down to 16 rpm... ' Q (8/95, p.124) - 3 Stars - Good - '... part grunge rumble, part Mick Ronson salvo circa Spiders of Mars....John Garcia's vocals wail convincingly but it's Josh Homme's fluid guitar that strays into everything from glam to thrash, with a touch of melody lulling the impartial listener into a false sense of semi-comfort... ' NME (7/15/95, p.46) - 8 (out of 10) '... The thinking mammoth's metal muthas....Kyuss' riffs are supremely obese, like the bowels of Black Sabbath after six vindaloos and no rice, and only Monster Magnet can really compare on that level... '
Track List
- Hurricane
- One Inch Man
- Thee Ol' Boozeroony
- Gloria Lewis
- Phototropic
- El Rodeo
- Jombo Blimp Jumbo
- Tangy Zizzle
- Size Queen
- Catamaran
- Spaceship Landing