Ada Lea  |  条形码: 648401029642

What We Say In Private (Cassette)

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Montreal, Quebec-based musician Alexandra Levy -- who records and performs as Lea, Ada -- is also a painter and visual artist, and traces of her many creative abilities run throughout her debut album "what we say in private", a beautifully colorful collection of profound pop songs. Through all her work, Levy explores the concept of womanhood as it feels and looks to her, as well as love and how it transforms over time. She doesnt shy away from exploring uncomfortable and painful emotions, either. With the brightness of love, strength, and hope contrasted with the darkness of loss, suffering, isolation, and abandonment, the Lea, Ada album "what we say in private" is a varied and vivid record that constantly seems to shift in the light, bringing together all the intricate influences shes collected over the years.

  • Released: 7/19/19
  • Format Detail: Cassette
  • Format: Cassette
  • Genre: Rock

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